The ICPD International Conference on Human Rights is the second of three thematic conferences that is shaping UN population policy for the next 20 years. The conference is focused on identifying emerging challenges to delivering equal rights for all. We are proud to extend our relationship with the ICPD partners to deliver a visual identity system that set a tone of hope and empowerment for all conference materials. The logo was designed with gaps in the letterforms - as a visual reminder of the gaps in human rights that must be addressed. A custom display typeface, based on the logo, was delivered as part of the visual guidelines to allow consistent branding of all conference materials produced by the various partners. (We are working to develop the font for release, with proceeds to benefit human rights organizations.) We worked with the conference team to develop the theme "All different, All human, All equal" to capture the imagination of attendees.
"One of the goals of the UN review of progress towards to goals of the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development was to engage a younger generation with the principles of the programme of action and to ensure that the priorities of youth were reflected in a forward looking agenda to deliver human dignity and secure individual rights beyond 2014. From the outset, Ultravirgo provided the ICPD Beyond 2014 Secretariat with exceptional creative support for our work, questioning, exploring and working with us to provide stand-out design work that has clearly articulated the goals and values of the review. Their acute insight into our issues and the creative integrity of their work is clear and their ability to 'think forward' is invaluable."
Anita Wiseman
ICPD Communications Specialist
UNFPA - The United Nations Population Fund