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Our latest book


We recently wrapped up our first 800-page book: a reference guide on combustion technologies. If you're looking for a good beach read for summer, this is not it. So, to save you the reading, here are some pics of the cover, hardcover, title page, chapter opener, a spread, and a diagram or two out of the hundreds that were drawn from scratch.

Transforming the Nursing Home


I just got back from reviewing midterm research projects at a seminar at UPenn about Transforming the Nursing Home. There is a large number of organizations and facilities that are rethinking elder care, such as the Green House and (taking an entirely different tack) Kildegaarden in Denmark. All (okay maybe not all) of which will be informing the New Nursing Home we are branding in LA. Stay tuned.

Happy New Year!


Best wishes for the New Year from Ultravirgo!
How are you saying goodbye to 2008? I've always been partial to pyrotechnics.. But why stop at fireworks?  This year I'll say sayonara to my daruma doll, and toss it in the pyre as we celebrate a cross-cultural New Year's in the Ecuadorian tradition by creating physical effigy of the año viejo (old year).
Hope yours is spectacular!

Gotham Tennis


We just launched a new site and identity for the fine folks at Gotham Tennis Academy. Did you know that blue is the new green? It takes a little getting used to, but is quite striking.



We just got the final copies of this invitation that we did pro-bono for a SEAS fundraiser. If you're looking to do some good this holiday season, we recommend you consider helping them out - these high school kids are doing some amazing things to aid students in disadvantaged areas, particularly in the hurricane-ravaged Gulf Coast regions.



Us? We're going with the guy who has an amazing web site and a keen sense of typography. And we're suckers for a circular logo.

Changing Tides


Wow, I can't believe the election is just six days away! Thought we should do our part in the Get out the Vote effort and point out a couple of really easy places that you can check your registration status, see if you're eligible for early voting and check your polling place. Just think, we may be able to start talking about something else soon.

Art in the Big Easy


I've just returned freshly inspired from a visit to New Orleans, where the city is beginning to buzz with preparations for the Prospect 1 Biennial opening in 1 month. I was down there working on the open air project, sponsered by the Arts Council of New Orleans and opening concurrently. A friend's gallery/experiment was just written up in the style section of the NY times. KK Projects has taken over a block of hurricane destroyed houses and given a new life and a little magic to the area.

Sexies & Poly Pride


UVC clients The Sex Positive Journalism Awards and Polyamorous NYC both have big events this weekend. (We did the identity and web sites for both). We have some fun giveaways in the works for them, and if you're interested in attending, let us know - we'll hook you up.

HTML emails


By some odd confluence of events, we've been doing a lot of HTML email formats lately. Can someone out there please implement some sort of standards that all email clients can adhere to? (That includes you, Microsoft.) I know it's a lot to ask, but my schedule would appreciate it.