In 2011, the world’s population reached 7 billion. This unique moment in human history has implications for sustainability, urbanization, and public health. Working with the United Nations Population Fund, Ultravirgo created an integrated communications campaign to raise awareness of this milestone and engage people everywhere to improve quality of life for themselves and others. Our approach focuses on solutions rather than challenges. We helped develop a robust online web site that promotes engagement by encouraging people to submit personal stories of empowerment, enter a film competition, and review the population data. Our literature put a hopeful, human face to the milestone, while online and offline ads spread real-life inspiring stories. Within days of the campaign launch, awareness of the population milestone soared, and additional initiatives are underway to sustain the momentum and create a truly global movement focused on positive change for all humanity.
"Ultravirgo was an indispensable partner in our successful effort to build awareness and engagement around 7 Billion Actions. The Ultravirgo team combined high-level strategy, superb creative and hands-on project management to make this highly complex, multifaceted global campaign effective and compelling. They contributed a number of ideas for maximizing the impact of 7 Billion Actions, with creative execution that brought a sense of excitement and optimism to the campaign."
Alvaro Serrano
Senior Online Communication Adviser
UNFPA - The United Nations Population Fund