Popular Culture: October 2008 Archives

Changing Tides

Wow, I can't believe the election is just six days away! Thought we should do our part in the Get out the Vote effort and point out a couple of really easy places that you can check your registration status, see if you're eligible for early voting and check your polling place.
Just think, we may be able to start talking about something else soon.

Art in the Big Easy

I've just returned freshly inspired from a visit to New Orleans, where the city is beginning to buzz with preparations for the Prospect 1 Biennial opening in 1 month. I was down there working on the open air project, sponsered by the Arts Council of New Orleans and opening concurrently. A friend's gallery/experiment was just written up in the style section of the NY times. KK Projects has taken over a block of hurricane destroyed houses and given a new life and a little magic to the area.

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This page is a archive of entries in the Popular Culture category from October 2008.

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